Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Gluten-Free Anniversary Feast!

Today is my fiancee and I's "official anniversary", so I decided to prepare a bit of a feast. The menu: gluten-free chicken enchilada casserole, a gluten-free chocolate cupcake from Whole Foods, and Redbridge, a gluten-free beer. The recipe for the casserole is a slight variation of one found in the Gluten-Free Everyday Cookbook, a wonderful gift Sarah gave me for my birthday this year. The ingredients are simple and can be purchased for around 10 dollars, and it leaves a whole lot of leftovers. As Sarah is in Williamsburg for graduate school (she made a chicken and rice dish for our anniversary, out in Virginia), I should have enough food for myself for the next two days from this casserole =P. I am not much of a cook, so I am pretty proud that I have become quite proficient at making this particular dish. Here are some fun pictures from the feast.


Ready to cook:

Futurama, the entertainment provided during baking:

The finished product, with cupcake and Redbridge:

It turned out to be delicious as always, and I find it to be even better as leftovers. It is too bad that Sarah is not here tonight, but I plan on preparing this dish for her when I see her in October =).

To celebrate our anniversary tonight, we are renting "Zombieland" in our respective locations and viewing it "long-distance style", with Skype chat armed and ready. This will be our first "long-distance date night", so I am quite excited about it. After all, but who could pass up zombies on a such a romantic occasion?

To conclude, I will leave y'all with a lovely song Sarah posted on my Facebook wall. It has been in my head ever since (a good thing), so I figure it appropriate to put it right. I miss Sarah quite a bit but this song brings a smile to my face in her absence.

Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - Home [2009]

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