Sunday, May 5, 2013

Goals Update #5: Homebrewing

Finally, I come to the end of my "Goals Update" series with a post discussing my fifth goal from a year ago:

Successfully brew a halfway-decent gluten-free beer.

So, you ask, how did things go on the homebrewing front?  Well, to put it shortly, good and bad.  My friends Chris and Zohaib and I began our homebrewing mission by producing "gluten-reduced" beer.  Namely, we used Clarity Ferm, a clearing agent, to "denature" some of the gluten proteins found in a standard barley beer.  The result was a fantastically delicious blonde ale which unfortunately made me quite sick.  It was a worth a try, but I unfortunately had to try a different approach.  I then brewed up a gluten-free pale ale recipe from Austin Homebrew Supply that called for a sorghum base and a generous supply of hops.  The result?  I didn't get sick, but the sorghum made for an off-putting, metal-like flavor.  I was quite disheartened at this stage in the game, but I then read about chestnut beers on  I quickly went to work, and after a failed initial recipe, I successfully brewed a delicious Chestnut Sweet Stout from chestnuts, oats, brown rice syrup, molasses, milk sugar, and espresso.  For the recipe, check out my post on the forums.

Lately, I have dived into a different arena - crafting homebrewed cider.  My first product, inspired by Edwort's Apfelwein, is almost complete, and it is a fantastic, dry cider at about 9% abv.  I oaked it using medium-toasted oak cubes which were soaked in whiskey, which I found rounds out the cider quite nicely.  I am quite excited to taste the cider upon completion (it is already quite nice at this stage), and I look forward to brewing up more ciders in the future.
Goal Status: Outstanding Success

Second Chance: A Gluten-Free Chestnut Sweet Stout

High Noon: A Gluten-Free Red Quinoa Pale Ale

Fruit of the Entwives: An Oak-Conditioned Extra Dry Cider

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