Monday, May 30, 2011

Family Tree!

My mother's parents have always had a thing for family trees, and they have traced my roots all the way back to Fergus, first king of the Scots, born in 330 BC. My cousin Chandler just developed a Javascript library in order to visualize our family tree, and I must say, exploring through the tree is a lot of fun. Click the “Draw Family Tree” button below to see my personal tree. It will take a few seconds to draw everything out and then you can click & drag around. Drag up and you will be able to eventually see Charlemagne, William the Conqueror, and Henry II. Pretty cool stuff, though I suspect many of us are descended from royalty.


  1. I wonder if Fulk the Red and Fulk the Black ever played checkers?

  2. as if Sarah needed any more reasons to be smitten!
