Saturday, January 29, 2011

Grumble Grumble Grumble

Sleep.  Everyone needs more of it.

I have been an extremely light sleeper for most of my life.  If a neighbor two doors down opens a window at 2 AM, there is a pretty good chance that I will wake up.  Hence, when I collected a new neighbor last year that likes to hold loud conversations at 2 in the morning, I reluctantly made the sad voyage to the couch.  Nowadays, I sleep on the couch 3 or 4 nights a week.  That being said, the couch is fairly comfortable, but I would like to reclaim my queen sized bed.  So, if anyone out there has any advice for a light sleeper like me, that would be most appreciated.

Anyways.  I finally began my long trek back into running this morning (post-proposal).  I ventured a whopping 2 miles, but it still stung like hell.  I find it hilarious that the first 2 or 3 miler hurts more than later fartlek and tempo workouts.  I guess that is why they say getting started is the hardest part.  I have been trying to re-evaluate where to go with the running thing this spring.  Originally, I was going to attempt a new PR in the 5K in one of the many races during Austin's Sprint Series.  After a series of injuries last year emanating from track workouts, I am not sure that goal is the smartest idea in the world.  While I do plan on throwing myself into the mix at some local 5Ks, my new plan is to try to get into a general sort of shape for a collection of trail runs and marathons this summer.  I think my body will appreciate that in the end.

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