No, I am actually not going to talk about running this time. Sorry for the misleading title.
In case you haven't heard, China's Tianhe-1A is now the fastest supercomputer ever built. It can deliver approximately 2.5 petaflops. Yes, you read that right. Two and a half petaflops. Hot damn. And what would one do with such computing power, might you ask? I don't know, how about simulate the Earth at speeds about seventy times faster than the Earth Simulator? I know some guys down here in Texas that would
And for those of you who care, Tianhe means "Milky Way". Looking at a list of galaxy names, I am not sure if a trend of naming supercomputers after galaxies is the best idea. Otherwise, I might soon be running code on Small Magellanic Cloud. Actually, on second thought, I think I will be naming my next machine just that.
If your supercomputer can't make it to the top, you may name it Babuška, an asteroid.