Monday, April 1, 2013

Goals Update #2: Marathon Training

Today, I continue my series of updates with the second goal I set a year ago:

Run sub-3:00 during the 2013 Austin Marathon.

When I set this goal a year ago, I figured it to be a bit conservative based on my previous racing experiences.  However, I just needed to get my feet out the door.  I started off on the right foot, bringing my mileage up to about 50 miles/week by the end of the summer.  I signed up for the Austin Distance Challenge, a series of races leading up to the big kahuna itself, and even purchased a copy of "Advanced Marathoning" by Pfitzinger and designed an extensive six month training plan.  Then, fate struck, and I tweaked my back during an easy eight mile run around the neighborhood.  As I hobbled back to my apartment, I thought it was just a minor tweak, but as the weeks went by and I still was not able to run, I came to grips with the reality that the 2013 Austin Marathon was not going to happen.

I finally got out the door for a run about two or three weeks ago, and during the run, I realized that my back was out of sorts even after all this time.  So, I decided to see a sports chiropractor to see what was going on.  I had my first appointment this morning, and it appears that I have a lumbar sprain/strain as well as lumbar joint dysfunction.  It will take a little time for me to get back to normal, but I honestly should have called someone months ago.  Stubbornness got the best of me, and I thought that time was the only medicine I needed.  During the last few weeks, I have also looked into various marathon options for next fall and/or spring.  I would like to visit somewhere I have not been before rather than run a marathon in my backyard.  This way, I would be able to see some new sights, and I would have substantial financial investment in the race between plane tickets, hotel reservations, and registration fees.  Hopefully such an investment will inspire me just a tad bit more.  Right now, I am leaning towards the Portland Marathon in October, but I am hesitant to make any commitments before my back heals up.   With any luck, that will be sooner rather than later.

Goal Status: Sidelined but Inspired

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