Friday, November 19, 2010

I know. I've been busy.

A few of you, the world of cyber cronies, have been asking why I haven't posted in so long. Well, honestly, I've been pretty busy. Busy with what, you ask? Busy with this:

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Stickers on Apples

Celiacs - always make sure to wash your apples after you take off the sticker and cut off the skin underneath the sticker. The adhesive on that sticker may contain gluten. I have been meaning to post this for months now but just now remembered to do so. This also applies to other produce.

I have to say...

My new car is pretty awesome.

In other news, I am now poor (Okay not really, but poorer anyway).

Finally, I would like to mention that Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, my alma mater, was selected as one of the 16 colleges or universities where it is considered significantly more difficult to get an A than your typical campus. On the one hand, I am proud to be an alum there. On the other, I am sitting here thinking: so why did I put myself through that? Either way, I think my college experience did me well, Troylets and all.

Longer post to come tonight.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Friday, November 5, 2010

Of all things

So after I picked up an old visiting friend from the airport last night, we decided to head over to Guero's for some quick eats.  Well, it turns out we were given the table behind Weird Al who is performing in Austin tonight.  Who would have thought.  Unfortunately, neither my friend nor I had a camera, so we had to just settle for a mental image of Weird Al chomping down on tacos.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


If you haven't seen it yet, make sure to do so in the very near future. This modern take on a classic series is quite brilliant. Review to come shortly.

Monday, November 1, 2010

An exciting week ahead!

I am very excited about this week.

First and foremost, my lovely fiancee is coming to town to visit!

Second of all, we are going to Fun Fun Fun Fest this upcoming weekend!

Third of all, one of my roommates and teammates from college is visiting this week!

Finally, it looks like I will be submitting my proposal abstract this week.

Other awesome things of note:

First, I now own a sweet top hat.

Second, the squirrels at William and Mary post amusing things on Facebook and, according to Miss Sarah Stanford, are getting quite fat and fluffy this time of year.

And finally, I have fallen back in love with chamomile tea.