It is currently 75 degrees Fahernheit in Austin, Texas. And yes, it is January down here in Texas just like it is everywhere else in the world. This spot of warm weather has allowed me to enjoy breakfast and coffee on my balcony the last few mornings, and I have to say, the experience has been terrific. Unfortunately, this warm weather will not last, and the high on Wednesday will be a mere 37. Coincidentally, I will be heading up to Syracuse, New York this upcoming weekend to experience a real winter (snow!).
It will be a little strange leaving this city in the next year or two. I have gotten quite used to the warmth and twelve months of green (not to mention all of the other lovely experiences Austin has to offer). That being said, I do miss the snow. I miss mountains and dense forests. I miss seasons. So, we'll see where I end up after all is said and done.
And I just realized where all of this sap came from. It's the damn post-rock in the background. Curse you Sigur Rós!
It will be a little strange leaving this city in the next year or two. I have gotten quite used to the warmth and twelve months of green (not to mention all of the other lovely experiences Austin has to offer). That being said, I do miss the snow. I miss mountains and dense forests. I miss seasons. So, we'll see where I end up after all is said and done.
And I just realized where all of this sap came from. It's the damn post-rock in the background. Curse you Sigur Rós!