Your metabolism is skyrocketing. Easy runs are truly feeling easy again. Your legs begin to feel like springs after a few days off. You are finally getting back in shape. This is the position I am in, and I am very happy about it.
This morning, I had a breakfast before my morning run and a second breakfast AFTER the run and still felt hungry! My metabolism is seriously getting out of control, and, if I am not careful, my food budget will surely get out of control too. With the increased metabolism, I have been very careful to make sure I eat a lot of home-cooked meals and snacks. It is cheaper and healthier. So today, after breakfasts #1 and #2, I made myself a helping of BBQ red potatoes. The recipe is super straightforward - wash and slice up 2 red potatoes, "boil" them in a little water plus a dash of extra virgin olive oil for 10 minutes in a skillet, drain the water, and then "fry" them for about 4 minutes with the slightest of extra virgin olive oil. I usually add a dash of salt, some pepper, and a bit of chili pepper between the boiling and frying stages. Finally, serve with your favorite gluten-free BBQ sauce (I now use Stubb's as it has
recently been made gluten-free!). Its a delicious treat for the super voracious.
In running related news, the
Fifth Avenue Mile is really stacked this year. On the men's side: Bernard Lagat, Leonel Manzano, Nick Willis, Andy Baddeley, and Alan Webb. On the women's side: Shannon Rowbury, Sara Hall, Carmen Douma-Hussar, Molly Huddle, and Kalkidan Gezahegn. I am not entirely sure who I should cheer for either race. I should cheer on Leo as he is the hometown (Austin) favorite, but I am really excited about Webb's comeback (and, for what its worth, my roommate is going to his wedding). As for the women, I am a huge Rowbury fan, but I grew up seeing Molly Huddle race in the many of the same high school invitationals as me. In any case, I am super excited about the mile, and I am hoping some records fall. It would be about time - the men's record was set during the first Fifth Avenue Mile 30 years ago.
Finally, I just wanted to mention one article. As a preface, let me talk about a particular running website I spend a fair amount of time on -
Letsrun. Now Letsrun is a fantastic place to get news about the running scene, focusing more on the elite side of things than magazines such as Runner's World. I have really appreciated that over the years. However, what Letsrun is really known for is its message board, where college athletes and assistant coaches often make race predictions, shit talk, and generally troll about. Now, I will be honest - a large number of the posts on the board are complete shit. However, there are a few fantastic threads to read through, especially with elite coaches such as
Renato Canova regularly visiting and posting. I have never posted on the boards, but I am a frequent lurker. Well, apparently someone over at Running Times finally got fed up and wrote a
response article to all the bashing. Letsrun is never explicitly mentioned by name, but it is incredibly obvious who the target of the article is. When I first saw the response article, I was highly amused. Someone had finally called out the Letsrun boards on some place
other than the boards themselves. However, the article was unfortunately ill-placed - Running Times is not the correct medium for such a rant. I believe most Running Times readers have never even heard of Letsrun. To make matters worse, I honestly can't think of another place to put such a rant besides Letsrun itself - and I don't think that would accomplish anything at all. Just some random thoughts.